At Truth & Liberty, SC, our mission is to educate, equip, disciple, and mobilize the local church into effective civic engagement that promotes a Biblical worldview in the seven mountains of cultural influence, with a particular focus on local and state government. (Est. 2020)

Our vision is to disciple the church so that each individual, family, and church body may positively impact their communities, states, and nation with the Truth (God's Word).

Truth and Liberty, South Carolina exists to educate the church about our nation's founding, and the Biblical blueprint behind it. We seek to establish understanding among God’s people of the Declaration of Independence, of the national and state Constitutions, of the Framer’s original intent, and more. 

We seek to equip the people of God so that we can both know and assert our rights, carrying out our duty to stand in and preserve the liberty wher we have been made free (Galations 5:1).

We then mobilize as respectful citizens engaged in what is happening in our local schools, cities, counties, and state.  Our duty is to faithfully steward the free nation that has been handed down to us (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27). 

Warren & Kathy - Directors/Ministers

Truth & Liberty - SC Facebook Group